quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011

Vat II. Central references

      Vatican II was the most important council in the history of the Church.
*      Put an end to the Middle Age Model of the Church: as Pyramid, Christianity, Western European, Cathedrals, Feudal System…
*      Reaffirms the Word of God as the reference for the life of the Church, not the saints, the messages or revelations of any celestial messenger…
*      Liturgy is not “rubrics”. It is centered in the Paschal Mystery (Jesus’ Ministry, death, resurrection and in the culture of a people (signs, languages…). It is not the monopoly of the northern hemisphere. The whole People of God is engaged in the liturgical action, not only the ordained minister[i].
*      Jesus Church gives priority to the poor – downtrodden, forgotten, nobodies, the sick, people under pressure, alone, segregated (for their age, gender, cultural, social, economic situation…). Denounces the structures of sin, the personal, collective and ecclesial sins.  Call the poor to be subject of their liberation, as individuals and as people.
*      Mission is not to proselytize. Is to identify the seed of the Reign. It is to go in the name of the Church, implying a sending, a witnessing. Has the task to identify, discern, receive and collaborate with the action of the Spirit in any place of the Word and moment of history. Implies two movements: to go and to return; to announce and to learn from…
*        In fact there is no such thing as the “universal” Church in the Vatican state. The Church of Jesus is integrally present in any local Church (in communion with all other local Churches of the world. The Pope is the Bishop of Rome, and the first among equals, at their service (helping their unity, fidelity, service to the world). Any Bishop is a member of the Episcopal College; any Presbyter is member of the Presbyterium; any baptized is a living member of the “Body of Christ”, the Church Community.  LG n.1; 9; 26
*      The praxis of the Church is in itself a message. And the message is revealed through a praxis. Method is content and the content is in the method.

1.      TO SEE: Life comes first, not the doctrine. Kerygma it is not only an event but a process. It is important to discern the signs of the time (John XXIII, Jesus. Gaudium et Spes)
2.      TO DISCERN: The believers do theology… engage their faith in any human historical situation; Church is more than a democracy, it is a Communion; The First Vatican Council centered the vision of the Church on the Pope, and had no time to develop what was the next point in its Agenda: The Pope in a college of Bishops, serving the People of God in action. Church is the People of God, not an army.
The discernment implies a frame of reference: incarnation (alpha); the mediation (of Jesus and of his Church), and the reign of God (omega)
3.      TO ACT: a) AGGIORNAMENTO – up dating, dialogue
                b) Pastoral: Option for the most needed people, not for clerical vocations, Catholic school, doctrinal studies, events, quantity, organizations,
4. TO EVALUATE according to some beatitudes:
*      From pews to paths and squares
*      From palaces to slums, Samaritan Church
*      From ghetto to be leaven, ferment
*      From proselytizing to witnessing
*      From waiting for to going forward
*      From clerical centralization to participation
*      From military to militancy
5.      TO CELEBRATE – no threats, but invitations;
 No fear, but attraction;
No bitterness, but hope;
No passivity, but commitment.

Success is not permanent
Failure is not fatal


[i] Benedict XVI in a recent letter to the Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, chancellor or the Institute of Sacred Music, did affirm - The baptized, not a minister, are the authentic subject of the liturgy, though  the Liturgy is the action of God throughout the Church, with her history, traditions, creativity (according with Sacrossanctum Concilium)

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